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Aruba Instant On: solving the challenge of creating a constantly connected business

By Greg_Weaver posted 09-12-2022 02:55 PM


Blog By: 
Carlos Meza

Our current living and working dynamics mean that we have, and will continue to have, more and more devices simultaneously connected to internet networks. Our homes, offices, and businesses of all sizes are experiencing this. However, each space has its own needs and challenges. Today I want to talk about the solution that Aruba Instant On developed for the connectivity needs of small and medium businesses: Aruba Instant On Access Points and Switches


SMBs have a special set of challenges for several reasons: 

  1. Their facilities have very different sizes, and the demand for their internet networks can change a lot throughout the day. A small coffee shop doesn't have the same connectivity needs as a hotel. While a coffee shop may receive fewer people throughout the day than a hotel, it may be the case that at certain times of the day its Wi-Fi will have more traffic if all customers meet to work and have video calls. In the hotel, by contrast, there may be more connected devices, but users are busy resting and not charging the internet network as much. 
  2. They have a high turnover of users, which implies a challenge to network security.
  3. They must attend to their internal connectivity needs to guarantee their operation and those of their customers.
  4. They don't normally have an IT department, so their devices should be easy to install, and the setup should be intuitive. 
  5. They need connectivity solutions with affordable prices and robust warranties. 


With Aruba Instant On, it is possible to overcome all these challenges. Let's see how: 


  1. Aruba Instant On Access Points allow you to create a stable network that reaches all spaces seamlessly. Thus, a hotel can have the same quality of coverage in the rooms as in the lobby. The cafeteria can offer the connectivity they need so that their customers spend all day working if they wish. 


  1. With Aruba Instant On devices, the Wi-Fi network can be configured in three ways: open, with a portal, or with a password. 


  • In the case of the open network (which could work for a small shopping mall, for example), any user will be able to access it immediately.  


  • Access through a portal allows one to tailor the login to the company's image and capture user information that can later be used for commercial purposes. 


  • The password entry allows us to use WPA2 or WPA2/WPA3 keys for the authentication of the different users. This way, it is also possible to differentiate between customers' and employees' networks. 


Finally, with Aruba Instant On Access Points, it is possible to program the network to activate and deactivate automatically at certain times. This prevents guest users from misusing Wi-Fi networks. 


  1. With Aruba Instant On, it is possible to configure a limited bandwidth per connected user. This ensures that each user has the connection they need to work. In addition, if they separate the networks of employees and guests, they can assign different capabilities to them as their business requires. 


Another feature is that Aruba Instant On devices allow you to classify traffic, according to the use that users give to the network. This has the enormous advantage that businesses will be able to know their customers by the type of sites they visit and offer them a better and more cost-efficient service: it is not the same if most customers use the internet connection to watch the series or if they only use it to check the mail. You can also configure your network to allow or deny access to certain sites on the network. 


  1. Aruba Instant On Access Points and Switches are perfect for small and medium-sized businesses because they enable centralized network management from the Aruba Instant On smartphone app, available for both iOS and Android systems.


All the configuration and security facilities we have mentioned can be activated intuitively and automatically without needing a large IT team. In case you need support, Aruba Instant On offers chat and phone support. In the following numeral, we detail them.

  1. Aruba Instant On warranty is 2 years for Access Points and a limited lifetime for Switches. Additionally, you will have 90 days of phone or chat support for the entire warranty period.


As an extra benefit, it is possible to pay for Foundation Care for the first 90 days after the purchase of the device and get additional support services, such as an advanced hardware replacement if needed. 

In conclusion, the versatility, quality, and security of Aruba Instant On make it the best alternative for any SMB to solve their connectivity needs. In this link, you can find an Aruba Instant On reseller in your city to immediately solve the connectivity needs of your business.


1 comment


11-18-2023 05:07 AM

Thanks for the information.

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