Are you using the AP-11D in the Utility Room as a router? Or is there a separate router on the WAN connection, and both AP-11Ds are just operating as Access Points, and wired to the same IP subnet on the separate router?
It makes a difference, so that needs to be clarified first. With a setup like you have, I would personally have a router connected to the WAN, and either use its internal switch ports, or a small external switch connected to the LAN side of the router, and connect both AP-11Ds to the switch ports or external switch.
Also, is your Guest network on a separate IP subnet than your main network? If so, what does the routing between the two?
Does the Chromebook "know" about both the main wireless SSID as well as the Guest wireless SSID, and is set up to automatically connect to either one? If so, then maybe it's switching SSIDs and getting onto the wrong network. I would suggest only having the Chromebook know about one WiFi network. If you want it to have both SSIDs available, then set the preferred one to automatically connect, and set the other one to connect manually.
As far as using the Chromebook with both a wired as well as a wireless connection at the same time, you should probably go into network settings, if possible, and set the non-preferred connection (wired or wireless) with a worse metric for the default route, so when both are connected it will use the network connection with the better default route metric, and fall back to the other one when the preferred connection is gone.
Ron Buchalski
Original Message:
Sent: 08-20-2024 11:28 AM
From: Busirane
Subject: AP-11D wired access to WiFi network?
I have two AP-11Ds, one in the utility closet where the WAN comes in, and another in the den hardwired to it. They both are configured with a WiFi main "employee network" and a guest network. All my WiFi devices (about 20) are connected to the main network SSID, including an HP OfficeJet Pro 8720 printer. In the den I have an Acer Chromebook Spin 13 which is connected via WiFi to the main network SSID and simultaneously hardwired to the den AP-11D; it preferentially uses the wired network.
The problem is that the Chromebook often loses connectivity to the printer, saying "Not connected to printer". When that happens, I unplug the Ethernet cable from the Chromebook, let it fall back to WiFi, and then it works. My question is, do I have to somehow configure the AP-11D wired LAN ports to access the main wireless SSID so they're on the same network? A similar situation exists with my LG smart TV (hardwired to the utility closet AP-11D) when I try to pair it with the LG app on my phone (on the main WiFi SSID); apparently that's not considered "on the same network". Or is there something else keeping a computer on a LAN port from being able to see a printer on a WiFi network?
"Be bold, be bold, but be not too bold."