Instant On - Wireless

  • 1.  Aruba Instant On - FAQ

    Posted 06-10-2019 04:19 PM

    Q: Why did Aruba introduce new Instant On Access Points?

    A: Aruba is announcing a new family of wireless access points (APs) designed to address the current and future needs of small businesses. The Instant On family will include indoor/outdoor Wi-Fi access points (APs) designed to deliver secure, high-speed wireless connectivity with easy set-up and management, all with the quality, performance and exceptional support that customers expect from Aruba.

    Q: When will Instant on be available for ordering?

    A: The first set of Aruba Instant On Access Points will be available for ordering by early July 2019.

    Q: When should I expect Instant On Access Points available for shipment?

    A: The Instant On indoor APs will be available for shipment in July 2019. AP17 outdoor APs will be available for shipment in early August 2019.

    Q: Is Instant On available globally?

    A: Instant On access points will be available globally.

    Q: Can I use my Instant On AP as a Router/Gateway?

    A: Yes, Instant On has APs can function as a router/gateway in small networks. Just ensure that the throughput of the AP suffices the bandwidth requirements for the network. If the AP fails, it can swapped out with a new AP very easily or another existing AP in the same network can be made as the router with a single click. Instant On APs also have in-built rules to prevent malicious traffic from entering your network so you can use it as the edge router of your network with peace of mind. To get more details on how to setup the router mode, please refer to the user guide.

    You can also provide a static IP address and authenticate your AP with the local ISP’s PPPoE server. For more details on setup, please refer to the user guide.

    Q: How can I detect problems in the network?

    A: The Instant On app/ web-portal helps you identify the problems in the network at a single glance. For any major issues such as AP failure, you get push notifications on your mobile immediately so that you can resolve the matter at the earliest.

    Q: Do the APs also have wired ports?

    A: The Instant On AP11D has 4 wired ports. The first one can be used to power the AP through PoE and the rest can be used to connect to other APs or switches and provide PoE out. You can also specify the network on these ports if you want to keep your wired and wireless clients on the same network.

    Q: Are there any recommendations for Mesh setup?

    A: With Instant On, you can setup a mesh network with a single click in a few minutes. There is support for 8 Mesh APs, we recommend no more than 2 or 3 mesh APs connected to a single AP for enhanced performance. For more recommendations on network/mesh setup please refer to the deployment guide:

    Q: How and when can I update software to the latest version?

    A: Instant On APs are completely managed by the cloud and software updates are automatically pushed down on the default time set in the app. If you wish to update immediately, you can do so. You can also delay the update by a week if required.

    Q: Does Instant On give the ability to classify applications?

    A: Yes, Aruba Instant On can classify applications into their respective categories with a good granularity. If you wish to turn this function off, you may do so and this may also improve performance in certain scenarios. Note that if you use a VPN service on your clients, application classification may not be possible.

    Q: What other technology services can I avail with Instant On?

    A: Instant On has partnerships with some of the best of breed partners. For remote work, customers can avail our NordVPN partnership offer which helps protect their devices. We also partner with captive portal services such as Aislelabs, Purple, Wavespot and Skyfii which will help customers increase their ROI, customer loyalty and overall business.

    Q: What all capabilities do customers get to manage their clients?

    A: Customers can easily view the clients in a network, the applications being used and also restrict the bandwidth consumed. They can also block/unblock certain clients if they detect malicious activity. For better identification of customers’ own clients, they can also name the clients in the app/web-portal.

    Q: Can I have more than one site for my Instant On devices?

    A: Yes. Instant On gives customers the option to have multiple sites and upto 25 APs in each site. Customers can easily create a new site or switch between sites. A partner who manages multiple customer sites can have a single login to view all the customer sites whereas the customer can have a login to access only their own sites.


    Product Questions

    Q: What is the Instant On Community? Why do I need to create a username for my account?

    A: The Aruba Instant On community provides a place for members to search for information, read and post about topics of interest, learn and help each other. In the community, you will find:

    • Boards where you can post questions and answers
    • Blogs where you can read and comment on articles
    • Idea exchanges where you can suggest ways to improve products and vote for ideas that other community members have posted
    • and more...

    Your community user name appears whenever you post or send private messages on the Aruba Instant On community forums.

    Most people create anonymous names for the sake of privacy and to help them feel more comfortable participating. Be creative and have fun with it!

    Q: Do I need to have an existing internet connection to use Aruba Instant On?

    A: Yes, an internet connection is required to register and onboard your Instant On device using a mobile app or web portal.

    Q: Can I set up the Aruba Instant On access point from a desktop browser instead of my smartphone?

    A: Yes, open your favorite browser and point it to this URL:

    Q: Do I need to register the equipment in order to receive one year Warranty?

    A: No, after you set up your account and onboard your device for the first time, your Instant On Access Point(s) will be automatically registered.

    Q: How do I install (mount) my Instant on Access Points?

    A: Please refer to online documentation

    Q: I am IT installer. Can I give my customers separate credentials to use the mobile app to view only their site?

    A: Yes, Instant On currently support up to two administrative accounts for the same site. Simply go to the site management settings and use the options provided to add another account or replace an existing one.


  • 2.  RE: Aruba Instant On - FAQ

    Posted 06-27-2019 05:37 AM


    Will the HPE OC20 Series (HPE OfficeConnect) AP, which is very similar but much more restricted, replaced by the Aruba Instant On productline?

    Are you planning to offer an Aruba Instant On Entry-level Switch which is integrated in the Instant On Cloud Management?

    Is it possible to use the BLE Radio for the Meridian Solution?

    With regards

  • 3.  RE: Aruba Instant On - FAQ

    Posted 06-27-2019 01:26 PM

    @maulerma The Instant ON AP11 will replace the OC20 AP. The OfficeConnect switches should be positions with Instant On, and there is no support for Meridian.

  • 4.  RE: Aruba Instant On - FAQ

    Posted 09-18-2019 09:30 AM
    Hi, how about customer with existing OC20, will it be supported to join Aruba Instant On apps ?

  • 5.  RE: Aruba Instant On - FAQ

    Posted 09-18-2019 10:57 AM

    @and12345  Unfortunately the OC20 will not be supported from Instant On.