Everything Instant On

How to create a site in Router Mode in Aruba Instant On

  • 1.  How to create a site in Router Mode in Aruba Instant On

    Posted 12-09-2019 06:42 PM
    • Router mode lets us create a Site with one AIO AP acting as a Router (Mesh Portal with Wi-Fi), while all the other APs are added as Mesh points.
    • In Router mode, it is not possible to add more than one AP using Ethernet cable while they can be added over the air.

    Step 1 :

    • Click on “Setup a new Site”.
    • This option brings up the setup wizard to create a new Site.


    Set up a new siteSet up a new site


    Step 2 :

    • It is mandatory to have at least one Network in a Site.
    • Create the Network and click on Continue.


    Set up your networkSet up your network


    Step 3 :

    • Here, we can choose the type of Site to be created.
    • By default, the first option is selected. Select the Second Option for Router mode.
    • Click on Continue.


    Set up your connectivitySet up your connectivity


    Step 4 :

    • Here, we get a prompt to make sure an Instant On AP is connected to the LAN network and it gets an IP address from the DHCP server.
    • Once we confirmed that the AP is physically connected to a LAN network, click on Continue.


    Plug inPlug in


    Step 5 :

    • Here, we need to confirm that the AP is ready to be added to the site.
    • The power light will light up in alternating green/amber when it is ready to be discovered.
    • Click on Continue.


    Stand byStand by


    Step 6 :

    • Enter the Serial number of the AP that we are trying to add to the site.
    • On the Aruba Instant On app, it will automatically scan the APs via Bluetooth.
    • If the scanning fails, it is possible to obtain the serial number through Barcode scanning.
    • Click on Search for devices.


    Add new devicesAdd new devices


    Step 7 :

    • Here, the Portal / AIO App identifies the AP in the cloud and displays the AP model and Serial number.
    • Select your AP and click on Add devices to add the AP.


    Add new devicesAdd new devices


    Step 8 :

    • This step is to set the Site Name and the Location of the AP.


    Set your countrySet your country


    Step 9 :

    • We get a confirmation that Your site is ready!, Click on Continue.


    Your site is ready!Your site is ready!

    • Once clicking on Continue, the new Site gets created.
    • The site will have one active network and one active device.
    • Initially the AP will be in Synchronizing state, which will change to Active mode as soon as the config sync is complete.


    Networks TabNetworks Tab



