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Aruba Instant ON 1930 Switch POE Can't Manage With Browser

  • 1.  Aruba Instant ON 1930 Switch POE Can't Manage With Browser

    Posted 02-21-2024 11:12 AM


    I Have Aruba Instant On 1930 24G Class4 PoE 4SFP/SFP+ 370W Switch, my device can't supply power to access point aruba (APIN0515). Indicator LED in my access point is blinking orange 

    In manual book blinking orange is a device failure, i try to factory reset my switch with press reset button in right corner switch and when i try to manage switch with browser chrome or firefox. I found a different page (Cant't to manage with browser)
    has anyone something similar case, please advice?
    Thank You

    Laode Iswan