Everything Instant On

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  • 1.  What are the different States of an Aruba Instant On AP?

    Posted 12-11-2019 05:35 PM
    • Once an Instant ON AP is added to a site, there are totally 4 possible states an AP can be in,.
    1. Offline
    2. Synchronizing
    3. Active
    4. Restarting
    • Offline:
      • The APs keep polling continuously to the Cloud Server to make sure it has Internet reachability.
      • The polling happens using https port (443).
      • When the polling fails to Cloud Servers, the AP is considered to be Offline.
      • Any config change done to the site will not be pushed to the AP/s when the state is offline.

    Offline StateOffline State

    • Synchronizing :
      • The state becomes Synchronizing, when a Config Push from the Portal / App is in progress.
      • For example, when a new Network is created, the portal / App pushes the new Network to the APs via Cloud Server.
      • The state remains until the configuration is synced.


    • Active :
      • When the AP starts communicating to the Cloud server, it means that the AP has Internet Connectivity.
      • The APs' state becomes Active in the App and Portal.
      • The Active state is an indication that the APs are in sync with the Cloud with respect to configuration status..

    Active StateActive State

    Restarting StateRestarting State


    State Duration :

    • The State Duration shows how long an AP was in the respective state.
    • The State Duration does not include the Synchronizing state.
    • When the state is Active, the State Duration shows how long the AP was powered on (Irrespective of the AP losing connection to the Cloud and regaining the connection again).
    • When the state is Offline, the State Duration shows how long the AP was not able to communicate with the Cloud.
    • When the state is Restarting, the State Duration shows the time duration since the Restart button was clicked.


  • 2.  RE: What are the different States of an Aruba Instant On AP?

    Posted 02-26-2024 11:02 AM

    Please provide ability to force sync access points.  I'm having trouble getting configuration changes through without rebooting the ap.  Add another button next to restart in the web app please.